Global Minimum Tax Solution

Get ready for Pillar Two: Assess, Connect, Calculate, Comply, and Plan

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Get ready for Pillar Two: Assess, Connect, Calculate, Comply, and Plan

Jeroen van Asch MBA

Global Head of Sales & Partnerships

The Orbitax Global Minimum Tax Solution addresses all OECD Pillar Two calculations for provision reporting, GloBE Information Return (GIR) preparation and transmission, and planning, based on local country calculators.

Calculate your transitional safe harbour exemptions and the global minimum top-up tax, including provisions for the qualified domestic minimum top up tax (QDMTT), the income inclusion rule (IIR), the undertaxed profits rule (UTPR), and the subject to tax rule (STTR) with our Pillar Two calculator.

Our Pillar Two software is cloud based, supports any form of data input, and can integrate with your existing systems using next generation workflow technology to enable collaboration among internal and external stakeholders worldwide.
Pillar Two calculations ​​
Cloud based Pillar Two software that supports any form of data input, and can integrate with your existing systems via API.
Reporting & Compliance​​
Cloud based Pillar Two software that supports any form of data input, and can integrate with your existing systems via API.
90+ API Connections ​​
Cloud based Pillar Two software that supports any form of data input, and can integrate with your existing systems via API.


Perform a high-level Safe
Harbour Eligibility Assessment

Perform a high-level Safe Harbour Eligibility Assessment to identify jurisdictions that could be exempt under the transitional safe harbour rules and the top-up tax payable by jurisdictions that do not meet the exemption.

Receive a Readiness Report with all the data points required to perform a full Pillar Two calculation for entities that do not qualify for the Safe Harbour.

All this with just your CbC Report XML or latest US Tax Return XML. 


Integrated US International Outbound, CbC Reporting, & Global Minimum Tax calculations

Calculations, reporting, compliance, and planning for Global Minimum Tax, Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting, and US International Outbound Tax (incl. GILTI, BEAT, FDII, Subpart F, Foreign Dividends, and US FTC) are powered by the Orbitax Global Tax Calculator (GTC). GTC is fully integrated on the Orbitax ITP, combining an extensive, trusted tax law database of 190+ countries with powerful calculation, reporting, and workflow tools.

Example: Country-by-Country reports (CbCr) are completed in the Orbitax CbC Compliance & Reporting solution as part of the Orbitax GTC and can be used to determine the Pillar Two safe harbor exemptions. Qualified Domestic Minimum Top Up Taxes (QDMTT) calculated in the GMT solution are used as a FTC inside the Orbitax ITC when calculating US Subpart F and GILTI which are in turn used by the Orbitax GMT solution when calculating jurisdictional top up taxes for the income inclusion rule (IIR) and the undertaxed profit rule (UTPR) calculations.

Report & Comply

Track, populate and automate the compliance forms and reports

Once the calculations are completed, Orbitax Global Minimum Tax automatically populates reports for the tax provision, the GloBE Information Return (GIR), and any other local compliance forms.  
The out-of-the-box connector to ONESOURCE Tax Provision (OTP) pushes the STTR, QDMTT, IIR and UTPR to OTP.

Returns and forms can be transmitted directly to the tax authorities, where possible. The Orbitax GMT software leverages the functionality of the Orbitax Due Date Tracker to track worldwide Pillar Two due dates, with one screen to monitor submissions made, accepted / rejected, and resubmissions.

Are you prepared for Pillar Two compliance?

MNEs impacted by the Pillar Two rules
0 +
In additional taxes levied annually
$ 0 B
Countries expected to introduce Pillar 2 rules
50 +


Multi-year forecasting
& growth assumptions

The Orbitax Pillar Two software allows you to complete multi-year forecast calculations by expanding your base year input with growth assumptions and other input changes.

Planning calculations can reflect what-if scenarios, law changes, and other global minimum tax impacts.


Contacts & Permissions

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Automated Workflows

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Task Manager

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Multi-User Collaboration

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Cloud-Based Software

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Step-by-Step Guidance

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Document Repository

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Audit Trails & Reports

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End-to-end Pillar Two Compliance in 4 easy steps

Load Data
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Get ready for Pillar Two: Assess, Connect, Calculate, Comply, and Plan

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Glossary of Terms

BEPS 2.0BEPS 2.0
CbC - Country by Country reportingCbC - Country by Country reporting
CbCr - Country by Country reportCbCr - Country by Country report
GILTI - Global Intangible Low-Taxed IncomeGILTI - Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income
GIR - GloBE Information ReturnGIR - GloBE Information Return
GloBE - Global Anti-Base ErosionGloBE - Global Anti-Base Erosion
GMT - Global Minimum TaxGMT - Global Minimum Tax
IFRS - International Financial Reporting StandardsIFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards
IIR - Income Inclusion RuleIIR - Income Inclusion Rule
MNE - Multinational Enterprise or MNC - Multinational CorporationMNE - Multinational Enterprise or MNC - Multinational Corporation
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OTP - ONESOURCE Tax ProvisionOTP - ONESOURCE Tax Provision
Pillar Two (or Pillar 2)Pillar Two (or Pillar 2)
QDMT - Qualified Domestic Top-up TaxQDMT - Qualified Domestic Top-up Tax
STTR - Subject to Tax RuleSTTR - Subject to Tax Rule
Subpart FSubpart F
US GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesUS GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
UTPR - Undertaxed Profits RuleUTPR - Undertaxed Profits Rule