International Tax Platform / Entity Tracker
Maintain a historical record of all entity data with sophisticated filters
Global Head of Sales & Partnerships
Access a single, centralized database for all changes in an entity’s lifecycle.
Simplify data import, streamlining your entity management process.
Generate and schedule reports that turn your data into strategic insights.
Empower real-time collaboration to keep your team aligned and tasks on track.
Extra Large companies without a large foreign imprint might be able to keep everything in Excel, but for a company with a large amount of CFCs or foreign branches and any other type of foreign entities, using the International Tax Calculator would make their lives so much easier.
Medium companies without a large foreign imprint might be able to keep everything in Excel, but for a company with a large amount of CFCs or foreign branches and any other type of foreign entities, using the International Tax Calculator would make their lives so much easier.
Large companies without a large foreign imprint might be able to keep everything in Excel, but for a company with a large amount of CFCs or foreign branches and any other type of foreign entities, using the International Tax Calculator would make their lives so much easier.
Smaller companies without a large foreign imprint might be able to keep everything in Excel, but for a company with a large amount of CFCs or foreign branches and any other type of foreign entities, using the International Tax Calculator would make their lives so much easier.
Abbreviation | Description |
BEPS 2.0 | BEPS 2.0 |
CbC - Country by Country reporting | CbC - Country by Country reporting |
CbCr - Country by Country report | CbCr - Country by Country report |
GILTI - Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income | GILTI - Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income |
GIR - GloBE Information Return | GIR - GloBE Information Return |
GloBE - Global Anti-Base Erosion | GloBE - Global Anti-Base Erosion |
GMT - Global Minimum Tax | GMT - Global Minimum Tax |
IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards | IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards |
IIR - Income Inclusion Rule | IIR - Income Inclusion Rule |
MNE - Multinational Enterprise or MNC - Multinational Corporation | MNE - Multinational Enterprise or MNC - Multinational Corporation |
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OTP - ONESOURCE Tax Provision | OTP - ONESOURCE Tax Provision |
Pillar Two (or Pillar 2) | Pillar Two (or Pillar 2) |
QDMT - Qualified Domestic Top-up Tax | QDMT - Qualified Domestic Top-up Tax |
STTR - Subject to Tax Rule | STTR - Subject to Tax Rule |
Subpart F | Subpart F |
US GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | US GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
UTPR - Undertaxed Profits Rule | UTPR - Undertaxed Profits Rule |